Friday, July 3, 2009

Vacation Bible School

Just a quick note to tell about our church's Vacation Bible School this year. We had the Crocodile Dock theme and it was soooooo good. I was a crew leader, which means I had the same group of kids each night (usually 10-12 of them) and myself and a helper would go from activity to activity with them. They had Bible lesson, snacks & games, crafts and music. The music was amazing this year! All of the props, teachers, leaders, games and activities were so appropriate and everything pointed the kiddos to Jesus.

Luke and I picked up two of his friends this week each night. It was a little tiring going straight from work, picking up Luke, eating dinner, changing clothes, picking up his friends and going to church each night but as the week comes to a close it was SO WORTH IT. One of the little girls in our group got saved Thursday night after the lesson! She was from a divorced home and her grandma had been bringing her each night. She was so sweet and it was neat to experience.

Luke is still at the age where the group activities at VBS are very fun! He really gets into the music, crafts, games-just all of it! He loved having his friends Sadie and Jalen with him each night. He really listens well most of the time and only occasionally gets so hyper that I have to rein him in!

Last night, when we gathered into the sanctuary the whole group (approximately 160 kids and 100 adult volunteers) sang songs. The first two songs were pretty high energy. But the last song called "Faith" was slow and sweet with great lyrics about how we have faith that Jesus is going to do great things! Earlier in the night the kids had gotten these little battery operated flame candles that went along with their Bible lesson. As the song "Faith" was being played along with a slide show of pictures from the week, I looked around the dark sanctuary. I don't know how it got started but almost all of the kids had taken their little flame candles and they were swaying their arms back and forth with the music. Just like at a concert! It was funny and sweet at the very same time. I'm usually not emotional at the times I'm supposed to be (i.e. weddings, first day of school, etc.), but I think I got a little tear as I looked around at all those kids singing about Jesus and shining their lights. It was definitely a moment that I wanted to freeze. I thank God for my church and for giving me a little boy to love and take care of. It is my prayer that someday he grows to know the Lord in a personal way. I believe the Lord has great and mighty things for Luke!


Candy said...

I loved reading this post, Amy! Such sweet memories ya'll are making this summer! :)

Toasterstruble said...

Crocodile Dock was our theme for VBS too! Did they watch the Chadder the Chipmunk movie too? We LOVED our VBS and are still singing all the songs! "Get down and He lifts me up!" We have the dvd and the music cd! VBS is the best! I wish it could have lasted longer! Miss you! So glad you posted the pics and wrote about it! HUGS- Amy

Annerle said...

Hey, I think you are a greate mom:-) you love god and your family. That is a wonderful bresent, for you and all the people ho know you:-).